Big Benefits. Small investment.

  • Visually confirm proper nut torque

    Checking and confirming proper nut torque is a prerequisite for safe transportation and fleet management. Our specialized loose nut torque indicators keep operational safety intact by letting personnel know whether an inspection is due. This form of visual alert ensures that accidents are avoided, and damage to equipment is drastically reduced.

  • Reduce accidents due to loose nuts

    Loose nuts on wheels are hard to identify. With our wide variety of loose nut indicators, automotive operators are never in the dark. In case fasteners aren’t tight enough or succumbing to external pressures, the indicators offer clear visual cues so technicians can take action as soon as possible. This in turn prevents damage to wildlife, infrastructure, people and cargo.

  • Save maintenance time

    Maintenance operations and the expenses they carry are quite a lot. Whether you’re a fleet company, automotive workstation or garage, vehicle maintenance is time away from serving clients. By deploying the right type of indicators, you can detect specific wheel issues before they exasperate and cause operation failure for longer periods of time.

  • Identify bearing failure and brake drag

    Our advanced indicators are excellent detectors of bearing failure as well as brake drag. By deforming under specific forces and temperatures, they signal that there's a need for immediate attention. Such prompt issue identification allows your maintenance team to jump in when the time is right and prevent full scale breakdowns that wear down the vehicle’s reliability.

  • Decrease vehicle downtime

    Keep downtime at a minimum and your fleet in optimal shape when our indicators detect critical problems. In the process of checking torque form and nut alignment, these specialized devices constantly monitor the wheels’ current cognition to decrease the risk of unprecedented breakdowns on the road. Thus reducing the costs of unused vehicles at the warehouse that would otherwise be adding to your business’s bottom line.

  • Quick & easy installation

    Our range of wheel nut indicators, be it any category, can be seamlessly installed. Some of the series types available don’t even require any additional tools, and can just be clamped onto the nuts manually. Rest assured, installation requires no hefty training or expertise. Our automotive accessory devices are integrated within minutes or even less, depending on their application.